International Research Foundation for RSD / CRPS





Please select the appropriate item below as a token

of our gratitude for your invaluable support of RSD research.

For a Donation of:

$100. (US)

You will receive a 2-hour video program "RSD in Children".

Available on DVD and VHS Tape




$100. (US)

You will receive a 2-hour video program " Use of Opioids (Narcotics) to Treat Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD / CRPS) in Adults and Children ".

Available only on VHS Tape

The content of this program was developed independently by contributing international faculty from Sweden, Germany and from universities

throughout the United States.


With a $500 donation or more, we offer a Honorary Donor Page plus a video. If you wish to become an

Honorary Donor

Please send us an email or call us on the telephone in the United States


The International Research Foundation for RSD / CRPS is a 501(c)(3) (not-for-profit) organization in the United States of America. Please contact your tax professional to

determine if your contribution is considered tax deductible by your taxing authority.


The International Research Foundation for RSD / CRPS is a
501(c)(3) (not-for-profit) organization in the United States of America.

Copyright © 2005 International Research Foundation for RSD / CRPS.
All rights reserved.
For permission to reprint any information on the website, please contact the Foundation.